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Laser Therapy


Laser therapies are medical treatments that use focused light. Laser light is a very special kind of light. Unlike most light sources, it is tuned to very specific wavelengths. This allows it to be focused into powerful beams. In medicine, lasers offer doctors the ability to work very precisely. They can focus on a small area and damage less of the surrounding tissue. Patients who have laser therapy may experience less pain, swelling, and scarring than with traditional surgery. 


Laser Therapy is an FDA-cleared modality that reduces inflammation and that results in pain reduction. Laser Therapy is effective in treating acute pain, chronic conditions, and post-operative pain.


Laser therapy treatment is safe, painless and fast. Treatments to deeper tissues are administered in 5 to 10 minutes. Typically, even chronic patients exhibit improvement after 3 to 5 treatment sessions. Laser therapy utilizes the body’s own healing powers by stimulating cellular activity. Despite short treatment times, laser therapy treatments initiate a healing process that continues to actively reduce inflammation for up to 24 hours after treatment.


Moose's Treatment 






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